Mamy zaszczyt poinformować, iż Kraków w dn. 11-17 lipca br. stanie się stolicą gier symulacyjnych a wszystko za sprawą firmy Exprofesso, która jest organizatorem prestiżowego wydarzenia ISAGA Summer School 2016.
ISAGA czyli Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Gier i Symulacji (International Simulation and Gaming Association) jako jedna z najstarszych organizacji w dziedzinie gier i symulacji corocznie organizuje tygodniowe warsztaty w ramach Summer School. Ich uczestnicy mają okazję zapoznać się z zagadnieniem projektowania gier szkoleniowych, symulacyjnych i biznesowych. Uczą się też praktycznych rozwiązań, oraz od kuchni poznają twórczy proces projektowania gier z różnych punktów widzenia, by pod koniec warsztatów pod okiem profesjonalistów samodzielnie zaprojektować grywalną platformę.
We are very pleased to announce that we have been given the honour of organizing this year’s ISAGA Summer School! The 2016 edition will be held from 11-17 July in Krakow, Poland, where our company, Exprofesso (, is based.
ISAGA, the International Simulation and Gaming Association, is one of the the oldest communities of people involved in the domain of gaming and simulation, starting back in the 1970's.
ISAGA has hosted a Summer School each year since 2004 and the ISAGA Summer School 2016 continues this tradition, welcoming professionals and academics to participate in an energetic, highly interactive week of serious game design. Each morning brings us inspiring lectures and workshop led by professionals in the field of simulation and gaming and the afternoons are reserved for practical game development.
In the 2016 Summer School, we intend to use an EDUTAINMENT format.
Interactions, experiential learning, practical tools, ready to use solutions – these are our key words!!
During an intensive week of learning and practicing new skills, participants will learn about game-based learning processes from various viewpoints, different academic fields and practical approaches. This will include background theory to identify client needs, game design, game development, game facilitation & debriefing and game evaluation.
The 2016 ISAGA Summer School will bring together designers, facilitators, researchers, teachers, trainers, academics, consultants and those who use games in their professional areas.
If you have wondered how you might use the principles of learning through playing in your own professional work, this event is especially for you!!! :)
Come to Krakow and experience a fascinating learning journey with games and simulations!
Feel invited!!